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The SA Ag Careers Hub


The SA Ag Careers Ambassadors program supports South Australian schools to showcase and raise awareness of agricultural careers and opportunities. The initiative was designed in response to skills shortages faced in the agricultural sector where there are currently five jobs for every graduate.

AgC partnered with colleagues at Urrbrae Agricultural High School, the Agricultural Science Teachers Association of South Australia (ATASA) and the University of Adelaide and received funding through the Australian Government’s National Careers Institute.

The program is focused on:

  • Forming valued partnerships with schools and industry.
  • Providing teachers with a support network and access to current resources and information on career opportunities and pathways.
  • Linking students with trade, certificate and university opportunities.
  • Showcasing real-world agricultural careers through in-school visits and industry site visits.
  • Developing innovative ways of incorporating agriculture into a range of subjects (cross curriculum).
  • Profiling industry pathways and skills.
  • Developing a network of people who can talk in schools and share their stories.
  • Developing great resources to support schools.

The program has showcased agricultural careers to thousands of SA students and teachers and has onboarded 30 SA Ag Careers Ambassadors who are visiting schools every week to deliver in-school sessions. Field trips, incursions and professional development workshops are also part of the program.

Download the following program resources:

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